Monday, July 27, 2009

Where did the simple life go?

I don’t know when life became so complicated. I used to eat sleep and go to work – and now I have to think of all the things that I need to do in one day. Having children probably adds to the confusion. I can’t remember when last I slept in – we are up between five and six every morning starting the daily chores. But then again I wouldn’t trade waking up now for the world – a loving 4 year old who inherited her morning-person-ness from her dad and a Cat who couldn’t be happier if you give him a bowl of food.

Actually – I can’t remember how life was without them. Maybe it was so borring that I did not make any effort to remember. I don’t remember what we used to do with ourselves except for the occasional movie and shopping spree. We almost had 2 full years to ourselves before our daughter arrived. I can remember we went on holiday and that must have been the most exciting thing apart from the Wedding and honeymoon.

Last night when the power went off and we were all 3 curled up on the couch with kitty on my lap I realized that we have 2 children – and the 3rd is on the way


  1. Sounds like you have a content happy life!

    Yup cats are definately children! We have 2.

  2. Aaahhhh, that makes me warm and fuzzy! Not much longer hey.

    Thanks for always popping in at my blog. I gave you an award, check it out!

