Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Evil blog...

I have never believed that Harry Potter is evil. I have read the books myself. It seems Twilight has hopped on the bandwagon. Ai, just when you enjoy a good book or movie someone comes along and burst you bubble. It’s not like there is pornography or swearing in Twilight. But somehow it needs to be squashed. EVIL. Period.

My husband thinks Facebook is evil. I have stopped trying to explain. He thinks it is a place where you go if you want to meet people. (Never mind your current friends). So if this story leaks it can have devastating effects. Haha.

My sister knows Catholic people that believes the fairy wings that the little girls wear are evil.

Ai man.

1 comment:

  1. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! (Insert evil grin) :)
