Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rent, exams, and the bottom of my laundry basket

We went and had a chat with our landlord – and thank goodness he reduced the rent. Increasing the rent at 10% a year for the last 5 years can get a bit costly. And when I move I want to move into a house that we will buy. He is a good landlord, we are good tenants, and we are a match made in heaven LOL.

I have been studying for the exam tomorrow. Yes I am worried but worrying is good, right? It is better than not to care at all. I am currently revising the last 5 chapters.

I have been e-mailing my study-buddy but she is off for the whole week on study leave. I know I felt bad taking study leave because I have already given notice. My morals and values kicking in I guess. There would be a million other things to do at home anyway. When you are at home you are 100% a mom dreaming about seeing the bottom of your laundry basket.

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