Monday, June 22, 2009

Claudia's Birth Story

I've been meaning to post this for a while...

My problems started at 27 weeks, I started bleeding and hubby rushed me to hospital only to find out that my Gynae was on leave and another dr was standing in for him. The dr examined me and said that my placenta moved and was lying underneath baby. The previous week I went for my regular scan and everything was fine. He put me on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy. I can’t remember how many times I went to hospital between 27 and 34 weeks. The blood would dry up and when I got home the nightmare started all over again. I cried so much during those weeks, the blood was awful. When she was 2kg at 34 weeks the dr decided to do the C-sec. I was given anesthetic because she had to go to I.C.U straight away after birth.

When I woke up I was in allot of pain, but not from the cut, it felt like the dr’s made a fire inside my belly!!! The dr explained later when he cut me open he found placenta everywhere, and he had to dig for the baby. He also had another problem, my placenta grew onto my ovaries and he had to put stitches in where he cut the placenta loose, and if it did not come loose the only other alternative was to give me a hysterectomy but luckily he managed to get it loose from the ovaries.

I had to get a blood transfusion after the birth, I lost so much blood. I wish they put me in another ward, because the worst part is just laying there without my baby while the other mommies were up and breastfeeding their babies.

On the 2nd day when the catheter came out hubby brought a wheelchair and wheeled me to the I.C.U where I could go and see our baby. The sisters helped me pick her up, she had about 8 wires and pipes on her little body. (her weight fell to 1,8kg). I fell in love immediately.

For the next 2 weeks I made friends with almost all the staff in hospital. They encouraged me to eat and take a break and promised to watch her. They brought me hospital food and one lady even bought me lunch at the cafeteria one day. I was there every minute, holding and comforting her. They brought me magazines to read and gave me regular updates on my little girls well being. The only reason she couldn’t go home is she couldn’t suck on her own and we had to teach her the sucking reflex, that is when you give the baby milk and you put your finger under her chin and massage the chin area. She was a little fighter, and the day she drank all her milk she was allowed to go home.

That day couldn’t come sooner. It must have been the best news ever when the dr announced that she could go home!

The last few weeks of my pregnancy was horrible, but the reward in the end was all worth it. Today she is more precious than everything, and she will always be our miracle baby.

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