Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fat free? I think not

When your husband goes to the shops and you ask him to bring you Turkish delight and he returns with fat-free-energade-jellies then you have a problem. Maybe he thinks you are getting a bit f-a-t. Maybe he wants you to think that he does not know what Turkish delight is and the next best thing was fat-free-energade-jellies. Maybe he listened to every word the nurse said when she told you what not to eat to maintain a good weight. Taking your husband to a scan has its pro’s and con’s I suppose

The first time I thought it was something quick he grabbed at the check out point because he forgot to get me the Turkish delight. The second time was last night and I instantly knew there were reasons behind it. My word..I’m getting fat!! My husband seems to think so too, like the answer to my weight problems lies in those fat-free-energade-jellies.

The truth is, I need a Turkish delight when I ask for Turkish delight. If my body craved fat-free food I would have said “hey bring me some of those fat-free-jellies while you are out”. Oh, and “hey I couldn’t get enough of the fat-free-milk that I enjoy with my morning tea and cereal so I finished it all!”

I don’t need this eat-fat-free-stay-fat-free bull while I am pregnant.

I need real food.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Shame man! Ask hubby if he would prefer to carry a baby inside him for 9 months!

  3. LOL my point exactly.

    Let him crave for 5 minutes what I crave!
