Monday, June 8, 2009

A full-of-crap-cat

Oh the Cat is funny. I bought new food for him to try out, and it turned out he did not like it at all. So he did not sit on my lap for a week. He would come and lie on the couch next to me, but there was no space for my lap in his world. I even begged him to come and lie on my lap but to no avail. It is comforting when he warms your lap with his winter fur while you watch TV. The message was clear – he did not want anything to do with me.

On Saturday we went shopping and I bought the usual brand of Cat food with some wet treats to make up for the terrible mistake I made.

Last night he was back on my lap again. Clearly I was forgiven. It’s amazing how Cats try and express themselves. They keep you guessing all the way. I guess he does not like change at all. He loves his good old brand of cat food and that is it.

I have to be tuned in to everyone’s feelings in our house. The point is, I love being a mommy whether it is to a full-of-crap ginger Cat or a know-it-all 4 year old.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how cats can let you know exactly how they feel! Funny little things. Yours sounds adorable!
