Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Graveyard

I don’t know what it is with me and grave yards. Whenever I visit my Mother’s grave I take time to walk down the isles and read the tombstones. My grandparents on my Mother’s side are also buried in the same graveyard, and it takes time to find their stones.

Often you see a double grave where a husband or wife has passed away, and about 4-6 months after that their better half died. Maybe they were so sad that their world came crushing down, heart broken, and they had to meet their better half in heaven shortly after that. Can you miss someone that much that you would die without them?

The saddest Tombs to read are the children’s. I also have a brother that lies in that same graveyard. He was about 2 months old when he just stopped breathing in October of 1990. My Mother never recovered after that. Children are supposed to outlive you, not the other way around. He had to die so my Mother could join him 13 years later so she could have one of her children with her in heaven.

The other day I saw a name of a young boy who I knew in high school. I realized that I have been gone so long that I missed the gossip in town about how he died. You wonder if it was an accident, or sudden illness, or a freak accident for that matter. You remember his family, and for a moment you are silent to pay some respect to someone who died so young.

You need not ask questions where you can not find answers.
Walking in a grave yard certainly makes you count your blessings.

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