Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The 4-legged King

I used to cry every Saturday morning when I saw animals in cages we passed the pet shop on our way to do the weekly chores. We did not have a garden to accommodate an animal. I wanted to take one home so badly, just as long as they did not have to be in a cage anymore.

Later when we moved to a bigger place with a garden the thought of having an animal had kind of slipped our minds. Maybe we have gotten so used to the idea that we did indeed forget. One Saturday we passed the pet shop again and my eye caught this cage full of kittens. I realized that we could have one if we wanted one! It did not take allot of convincing on my hubby’s side. (After all he did not have to look after it).

We chose this light ginger coloured kitten but forgot the most important part - to look if it was a male or a female. Lucky for us it was a male. (Later I discovered that a ginger cat is a good call, because 90% of all ginger cats are male.)

He has become a part of our lives in a very special way. It’s like he’s the king of his own castle. We are a match made in heaven. He has found a good home, and I have found the comfort of a loving cat, always looking for a cuddle or a stroke. And always watching Kokkie the cockatiel’s every move, just in case he wants to escape.
Now that I am pregnant he follows me everywhere. He loves waiting in front of the Loo even when I go for the upteenth time. He lays at my feet when I hang the washing. He sleeps on my belly when I watch TV. He has even put his gallivanting on hold for me. He is always there for me now.

He just came and said hello, walked all over my laptop, looking for a belly to sleep on.

Adopting a cat was one of the best things I ever did.


  1. You didnt adopt the cat, the cat adopted you! Just remember that! We are their staff!
