Thursday, May 14, 2009

All in good time

I can remember being in high school and the only thing I could dream about was my wedding day and the children I eventually would have. Money was tight and there was little hope for a career. What made things worse was that we lived in a small town, with no opportunities for school leavers. My parents raised me and hoped for the best when I left school.

2 Days after my final Matric exam I was standing on our porch faced with a decision that would change the rest of my life, I just did not realize it then. An opportunity came up to work in JHB. I had to choose between the big City and a laid back life in a small town. I chose the City. Like always, with any decision, there is a price you have to pay. I had to leave the one guy behind that was ready to marry me. He let me go. I’ll always be greatful for that.

When I first came to the City it was so inviting, it still is. I studied and got a diploma attending Saturday classes while working a 40hr week. Then I got my drivers license, oh I was so proud of myself that day. I don’t know what kept me motivated all those years, perhaps it was the thought of going back to that small town. Life in the big city was so exciting, and a lack of excitement my whole life made me want more.

The years moved on and I only got married about 8 years after that day on the porch. At the same time some of my friends back home had their 3rd baby already.

Over the years I have realized that all things happen in good time, you just have to be patient enough to wait for it.

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