Monday, January 4, 2010

On Education

Grown ups always used to ask the same question when we were little – what you would like to be when you are older. I always said a Window Dresser – those tannies that used to travel from town to town going around the local Foschini dressing up the dolls in the window according to the way the head office wanted it.

When the time came in Matric to make some career choices I wanted to become a Graphic Designer. Representatives of the Universities and Colleges in our area visited our school and I was armed with all the pamflets and details to I approach my Dad. I don’t know what made me think that he would make a plan to pay for anything I wanted to do. Maybe I was to closed minded back then, expecting him to pull the money out of a hat or think up some rich uncle in the family that would gladly pay.

I had to throw all the information in the dustpin. I have never blamed him for not giving me the after school education that every child “deserve”. It was enough to encourage me to do the opposite one day when the time comes for my children to make some career choices.

Years later with lots of encouragement from my husband I did get a diploma and some certificates that helped me get ahead in life. We have a blessed life and even though it happened later in life for me it did happen, I did not have to give up my dreams entirely.

Once I heard someone say that every child “deserves” a tertiary education. We are talking about lots of money here. You deserve love and security as a child, and to be treated fairly.

I don’t blame my parents for not giving me the education after school that I “deserved”. Some people have more opportunities than others. I get it.
Everyone is responsible for their own life.


  1. Hi! Yes i agree, not everyone is in the position to go to university, and it is up to everyone to make something of themselves. Me, I paid my way through varsity with bursaries and grants for which I worked my ass off, and I am possibly prouder of my qualifications for having put that much more effort into it than perhaps the next person. Good for you for sticking to it! xx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes it just makes your more proud!

    Thanks girl

