Friday, November 27, 2009

The Holiday

October 2002. The Garden Route. It was the first holiday my husband and I took as a couple. March the following year we were getting married. My husband-to-be thought it would be a good idea to invite my parents along, he called it some “bonding” time with the in-laws before the big day. My parents have never been to that part of the country, in fact with money being a bit tight it was the first holiday they took in many years. My Father was so excited when we invited them along. He got out his Map book and planned the route and all the stops.

We were staying at a lodge in Plettenberg Bay and my mother could’nt stop talking about the soft beds that they slept on. She enjoyed it so much. The one day we took them to a Winery just outside Plett. They stocked up on Wine for the next year! The next day we went to Knysna and got on a boat to get close to the famous Two Heads. The most beautiful memory I have of that holiday was on the beach at Wildernis. My husband comes from Namiba and was used to swim in the cold water at the beach. We all laughed when he jumped at the waves and we couldn't believe he had the nerve to swim!

It was her last holiday before she died on 27 November the following year. I am greatful to this day that I could give her that little bit of paradise before she died. Because that is what that part of the world is, a green paradise.

I still see her sitting on the beach at Wildernis, enjoying the Sun and wind in her hair.

Today she has been gone 6 years, and I still cry on days like this.


  1. HUGS! Jou blog is nie goed vir my hormone nie, maar dis pragtige memories! xx
