Friday, November 6, 2009

The R40 fortune

One Winters day when I was about 11 or 12 years old we were short of money. You could always sense that as a child cause there was a bit of tension in the house, usually in the last week of the month when there was month left at the end of the money. My mother did not know where the next meal would come from, and feeding a husband and 3 children was mostly one of her main concerns.

The wind was strong and the air cold. To give you a bit of background - in our front yard we had a wired fence, with a big gate and a little gate and a red post box by the little gate. Oh that is something else I miss – the postman on his bike delivering post – but he has no relevance to this story.

For some reason on this day about 20 years ago, my mother stood by the window staring outside, maybe wishing for a miracle to come flying in the door. All of a sudden, something caught her attention outside. She called my Dad to come and have a look, as if her eyes betrayed her at that very moment. By then she had everyone curious so we were all standing a bit closer to have a peep out the window.

Then I saw it. Two R20 rand notes were blown in by the strong wind onto our front mesh and got stuck inside. To this day I don’t know how one could get stuck, let a lone two. Dad went outside to collect our newly found fortune. We all know R40 was allot of money back then.

I think she must have prayed, like always during those harsh times.

God listened, and provided for a week until the next payday.

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